Rust Cleaning Hacks

Helpful Tricks For Rust Cleaning 

Humidity and condensation is the main reason behind the rusting metal. Corrosion can also happen when metals like steel are placed under too much stress causing the material to crack. Removing rust from metal is a challenge for us. There are some tricks which will help you to remove rust from metal makes them bright.

Use White Vinegar:- Simply soak the rusty metal object in white vinegar for a couple of hours and then just wipe to remove the rust. If the object is too large, simply pour white vinegar evenly over the surface of the object and give it some time to settle

Salt and Lemon Juice:- Sprinkled salt over the rusted object and squeeze lemon juice at the covered area and leave that mixture for 10 minutes, use lemon to scrub the salt mixture off the object and remove the rust.

Baking Soda:- Baking soda works well on light rust stains. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water and cover all rusting parts of the metal. Let the paste leave almost for one hour.

Sand Paper:- If you are dealing with a thick layer of rust on your metal object then sandpaper is a great start to remove rust. Scrub all over the rusting part then use one of the methods above to get the rust off the rest.

Potato And Dish Soap:- Take a half slice of potato and cover the cut section with dish soap, sprinkle salt or baking soda on the potato and rub the rusted area with the potato.

. These hacks and tricks will help you to remove rust from your metal and tools and make them brighter and make them as like new. 


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